Sunday morning services starts at 9:00 am with the adults (young and old) and college age meeting in the fellowship hall for Bible class, study is Old Testament Survey , the teenagers meet together for another study, while the younger children go to their respective class. Classes last about 45 minutes before dismissed for worship.
Bible Class
In Bible class we keep things fairly simple and straightforward. For instance, we begin each Sunday morning at 9:00am by offering Bible-based classes for various ages: We currently have one adult class. Teen and college age meet together, two children’s classes according to age and a cradle role class for one and two year olds. Class lasts about 45 minutes.
Kid's Bible Hour
A special time during the services where your children are taught a bible lesson on a level that may be more easily understood by them, while you are able to focus on the lesson being taught in the auditorium.
Evening Bible Study
​Is family study time for young and old alike meet in one place to hear the message from God's word. Wednesday evening beginning at 6:30pm. Our study is in Revelation.
On Sunday evening at 6:00pm for the next few weeks we will have different activity events.
The third Sunday evening at 5:30pm each month the congregation meets at Stonebridge Assisted Living to sing and fellowship with the residents there.